Sustainability Training for FDMCI Teachers
Get inspiration about Sustainability and learn how to incorporate it in your classroom
Course overview
Within the existing range of courses on the theme of Sustainability, it is sometimes difficult to find something that directly connects to the day-to-day teaching practice of teachers. In addition, organizing and coordinating a shared course that crosses study programs requires a lot of time and effort.
For this reason, Digital Society School and the AUAS Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industry (FDMCI)’s Sustainability Coordinators created a shared basis at the faculty level to facilitate exchange between different study programmes. We have developed a ready-made inspiration training about Sustainability and how you put this centre stage when creating your education. This short course focuses specifically on the concrete context of teaching about and with Sustainability within FDMCI.
This course of 2 x 2 hours will take place in person at Digital Society School and will be given in Dutch.
For CMD teachers, you can use the coupon code CMDsustainability upon checkout to register for the course.
For CO/CB teachers, you can use the coupon code COCBsustainability upon checkout to register for the course.
For teachers of other FDMCI departments, if you would like to pay for the course by internal invoice, please send an email to Wai at
Structuur en inhoud
In this session of 2 hours in-person session, you will get an idea of what Sustainability and Sustainable Development is. During this session you will build a common ground about Sustainability together with your peers.SESSION 2
In this session of 2 hours in-person session, we will spend time on Sustainability in practice. During this session you will learn how to design for and integrate Sustainability in your own lessons and education.
Na afronding van deze online course:
- about the basic concepts within Sustainable Development and the history and development of different perspectives on Sustainability (Brundtland, SDGs, planetary boundaries, donut economics etc.)
- how to use Sustainability as inspiration in your own education and how to approach this abstract concept in a hands-on, creative way
- how to make the concept of Sustainability personally and professionally relevant
- how to connect the Sustainable Development Goals with systems thinking methods
- how to determine how sustainability affects your own educational practice
- best practices and case studies of how designers approach (social and environmental) Sustainability
- how to share common challenges and opportunities in integrating Sustainability into teaching, learning from each other how to redesign their own teaching practice
A certificate of completion issued by Digital Society School (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) will be sent to successful participants. Successful completion can be achieved by attending all modules of the course.
Voor wie is deze online course bedoeld?
- This course is for who FDMCI teachers who are interested in learning more about Sustainability and how to integrate it more in their education and classroom. It is also for teachers who want to apply their knowledge of Sustainability in a practical way while getting inspired by different ways of approaching a challenge.
Vragen die u mogelijk heeft
Ontmoet uw experts

Anneke van Woerden
is an experienced trainer and facilitator working on the intersection between design, social innovation, and sustainable development. Responsible for translating the produced research and knowledge of the Design Across Cultures track into hands-on tools, methods, and trainings. Since 2017, Anneke has been coordinating the Global Goals Jam, an international community of design activists, designing for and with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Astrid Lubsen
Astrid Lubsen is an experienced design researcher and educator. She works as a student coach at CMD, and sustainability coordinator at FDMCI. Over the past 15 years she has been working at amongst others Waag and STBY on projects and programmes around social and ecological sustainability.